I'm Not There (2007)
There are various ways of film making and presenting story in innovative and creative ways to their audiences. I’m not there is one class above from innovative styling of film making. It’s a biographical/musical film about a great personality of Bob Dylan. The director of movie Todd Haynes understood the varieties & multiple facets of Bob Dylan and instead of making it as straight line biographical drama he adopted the zig-zag approach with various random dots of different characters but well connected with-in to capture it in personality of one person. Sometimes you pick up a life of a personality and just depict it in form of books & movies and yet it is difficult to understand that personality as a whole. Todd found another creative approach to break his life in seven different personalities and instead of going day by day life of Bob Dylan …. Tell the world about his thoughts and ideas what he stands for. Indeed a great movie with flawless techniques of editing & superb performance by every actor and why not: coz Todd has managed to rope in Hollywood finest: Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett, Richard Gere, Heath Ledger and Ben Whishaw.
Above all characters what I loved most is performance of Cate Blanchett as Judith Quinn….her performance is a wonder, and not simply because, as Jude Quinn, she inhabits the twitchy, fire of Dylan with unnerving accuracy. Casting a woman in this role reveals a dimension to the acerbic Dylan’s facets that has rarely been noted. Even as she perfectly mimics every jitter, sneer, and caustic put-down, Blanchett's translucent skin, delicate fingers, slight build, and pleading eyes all suggest the previously invisible vulnerability and fear that fueled Dylan's lacerating anger. It's hard to imagine that any male actor, or any less-gifted female actor for that matter, could have lent such rich texture to the role.
If a film were to exist in which the breadth and flux of a creative life could be experienced, a film that could open up as oppose to consolidating what we think we already know walking in, it could never be within normal ways of a master narrative. The structure of such a film would have to be a fractured one, with numerous openings and a multitude of voices, with its prime strategy being one of refraction, not the summarization.
Imagine a film splintered between seven separate faces — old men, young men, women, children — each standing in for spaces in a single life………… Kudos to Bob Dylan to provide such vast subject and kudos to Todd Haynes to carry it out creatively.
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